Post #6

In my opinion, God seemed to  treat Job quite unfairly. Job did his best to be a good person and stay faithful to God his entire life, and God took everything away from him just to test him. Job was resolute in his faith for a while, but eventually decided it was too much. God then decides to intervene explaining to Job how great he is. God goes through all of the things he has done and shows Job his omnipotence. I was a little confused by this because I felt like Job had a reasonable understanding of this in the first place, yet God did His best to challenge this. I am sure He has reasons for doing what He did, as God knows all, but it seemed cruel. Job handles the situation well, all things considered. I think there are a few reasons he is convinced by God’s response. First of all, I am sure Job was terrified. God basically told him He can do anything, including speaking about beasts such as the Behemoth and Leviathan. It almost seemed like an implied threat. Second, Job was already faithful in the first place. Convincing someone of something they already believe is a lot easier than if Job was a rampant sinner. Putting myself in Job’s situation, I do not think I would have been able to remain faithful for as long as he did. On the other hand, it would have taken a lot less convincing from God to show me the error of my ways.

2 thoughts on “Post #6

  1. Ryan! I agree with your point that God treated Job unfairly. It would be interesting to analyse the situation from the standpoint of someone who argues that there is no problem of evil, and that the existence of Satan is not in conflict with God´s love for humanity.


  2. It was hard for me to see God’s actions as unfair; the afflictions of Job came from Satan who is convinced that his good fortune was the only reason Job was so pious. God has given humans free will to love him or renounce him, but what sort of love would it be if humans had all their needs satisfied (as is Job’s situation). God simply allows Satan to test Job, believing that his faithful follower will return his unconditional love.


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